Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Grading blogs

Our group is doing our project on ossuaries. One blog I found about it was titled "Global Ossuaries: Seven Creepy Wonders of the (Un)dead World". I found this article interesting because it mentioned some of the sites that we will be talking about, including the Seldec ossuary in Czech Republic, and the Santa Maria della Concezione in Rome. Using our marking rubric, it checks quite a few boxes that we thought there important for a blog. It has a neat layout and is user friendly. It uses quite a few pictures and is styled in a way that is easy to read for those who may have no previous knowledge of ossuaries. However, it does not provide any citations, which we thought is important. I would give the page a 20/25. http://weburbanist.com/2009/10/30/7-wonders-of-the-undead-world-global-ossuaries/

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